Effective: 2023-06-14
More Single Sign On (SSO) options for Command have been added in the Agent Web Console (AWC). You can choose to manage both authentication (login) and authorization (user roles and groups) through your Identity Provider, such as Okta; or you can manage authentication through your Identity Provider, while managing authorization through the AWC.
When you manage Users Roles and Groups through the AWC, your configuration will be modified in the Admin Console by Kount team members. Users and Groups can be found in the Admin menu.
Effective: 2023-06-14
An issue has been resolved in ad hoc reporting where reports did not time out after reaching the configured timeout value. This fix reduces manual intervention, provides a detailed log of the report process, and restarts the impacted report automatically after two hours.
Effective: 2023-06-13
The NAO URL condition is a text match to the optional NewAccountOpeningURL field that can be passed with a NAO API call. Since this condition is a text match option, you can use it as a User Defined Field (UDF).
This condition can be used when a customer has multiple NewAccountOpeningURLs and wants to apply different business logic based on the URL used. This condition will allow customers to add different policies based on the URL condition.
For a list of all Control conditions, refer to Control Profile and Policy Conditions.
Effective: 2023-06-05
The Email Status condition lets you compare email status against Melissa Data validation codes. For example, this condition can help you validate a customer's sign-up email address in real-time to prevent misuse of sign-up benefits.
This condition can be used to validate a customer's email address in real-time to enable sign-up benefits and prevent sign-up fraud.
For a list of all Control conditions, refer to Control Profile and Policy Conditions.