Effective: 2023-12-15
Velocities in Control have been renamed for clarity. Refer to the following for a list of the renamed velocities:
IP Login Attempts is now Login Attempts per IP Address
IP Address Failed Attempts is now Failed Attempts per IP Address
Failed Attempts is now Failed Attempt for All Users
IP Address' Unique UserIDs is now Distinct User IDs per IP Address
User Login Attempts is now Login Attempts per Username
Device Login Attempts is now Login Attempts per Device ID
Go to Control Segment and Policy Conditions for additional information.
Effective: 2023-12-15
The User Type List has been converted to a text type list to align with the previously converted lists (IP Org, Username, Login URL and UserID).
Effective: 2023-12-15
The velocity Blocked Logins per Username has been added. This velocity counts the number of times a given username has received the decision response of blocked.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The Legitimacy Score has been deprecated and will be replaced with the Structure Score in a future release. Both currently exist in the Fraud Insights Scoring API response. We recommend that you start using the Structure Score in preparation for the removal of the Legitimacy Score.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The international phone number standardization has been improved to align with other Kount 360 quality processes. Along with this update, we improved the algorithm that eliminates redundant data (the deduplication algorithm) to reduce the chance of unrelated consumers being listed as the same individual, which increases the accuracy of Consumer Insights.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The historical known fraud signal has been rebalanced so the fraud score does not show an inaccurate risk for transactions with unknown outcomes.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The standard deviation calculation for meanStdevItemCostOfCart
, largestStdevItemCostOfCart
, smallestStdevItemCostOfCart
, and the dependent identityRecurrenceScore
has been fixed. If you use these Payer Insight attributes, you should re-evaluate your associated thresholds and decision points as previous calculations were inaccurate.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The US03 reason code in the API response was being called incorrectly due to an error in the algorithm. This error has been resolved and the reason code is now called appropriately.
Effective: 2023-12-13
The distinct
features for identity keys in the Fraud Insights API have been updated to capture null-like values (' '
, 'None'
, null
, noemail@kount.com
) as one distinct email address instead of multiple email addresses.
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