When a New Account Opening or Login request triggers a challenge in Policy Management, the customer must complete a real-time verification or authentication of the email address. This ensures that the user creating the account or signing in to the account has access to the registered email address by sending a one-time link to that email address.
You can create and manage messaging templates for the verification emails or text messages and enable change notifications by using the Verification Status Update event for a webhook. Go to the following webhook documentation for additional support:
The following attributes are needed to facilitate verification:
person.emailAddress: Customer's email address used for account creation
strategy.verificationTemplateName: Name of the template
strategy.type: Enum "EMAIL"
Go to the New Account Opening API documentation for more information.
You can enable verification for New Account Opening segments so that specific customers are required to verify their email address. Enabling this option, helps prevent account creation fraud.
Sign in to Kount 360.
Select Policy Management.
A list of segments displays. Each segment shows if Verification is ON or OFF.
Find the segment you want to enable Verification for and then select Edit.
Select Verification Enabled.
Select Save.
The segment now displays with Verification ON.
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