Sign in to Kount 360.
Select Admin.
Select User Management.
On the Users tab, select Create.
Add the user's email and select one or more roles for the user.
Make sure that the user email address is correct. This field cannot be changed after you select Create.
Select Create. The new user is created and receives an email to activate their account and accept the invitation to the organization.
Select Continue. The user status changes to Pending on the User Management page.
The new user must select the activation link in the email to activate the account.
The user status changes from Pending to Active on the User Management page after a successful account activation.
After creating a new user or adding someone to an organization, an invitation email is sent to the user's email address. You can accept or reject an invitation by viewing your user profile.
Rejecting all invitations results in having no active organizations. Your account access will be removed. To regain access, you must receive a new invitation and accept it.
After accepting an invitation to an organization, you can perform tasks associated with your user profile's assigned roles.
You can add multiple roles to a user in the Users section of User Management. Users must have at least one role assigned to them.
You can add multiple users to a role in the Roles section of User Management.
You can edit your first name, last name, and phone number after setting up your account, unless you have single sign-on (SSO) enabled.
If a user loses or forgets their password, you can send them a password reset email with instructions on how to reset their password.
Sign in to Kount 360.
Select Admin.
Select User Management.
Select a user.
Select Reset Password.
An email is sent to the user with a link to reset the password.
Select Save.
The status of the user changes to Pending. After the user resets their password, their status changes to Active.
When a user is removed from an organization, they lose access to that organization's dashboards, data sources, and other resources. Only a user with admin permissions can remove a user from an organization.
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