The Chargeback Count chart can be used to monitor chargeback volume trends in real time and on a day-by-day basis.
Use this chart to keep an eye on chargeback volume throughout the month. Look for unexpected spikes in activity, and be alerted to potential threshold breaches.
Various features allow you to analyze this chart’s data in greater detail and learn more about your chargebacks.
The default setting for this chart is to show your total chargeback count for the selected date range, as well as counts broken down by card networks.
You can customize which data is visible by toggling on or off different card networks. For example, you could toggle off the individual card networks and only monitor your total chargeback count.
Or, you can dive deep into what is happening on just a couple networks and turn everything else off.
Hover over any point along the line graph. A popup box will display the date and the total number of chargebacks received on that day. If any or all of the card networks have been toggled on, the count will also be broken down by network.
Hover over a different date and the data will change.
The default setting for your Chargeback Count chart is to show data for your entire portfolio. However, you have the ability to filter your data and break it down by different sources. For example, maybe you want to view chargeback counts by a particular merchant account or processor.
Visit the Analytics page.
Click Entire Portfolio to add a filter (MID, Processor, Acquiring Bank, etc.).
In the second dropdown list, select specific processors or merchant accounts to analyze.
The data displayed in your charts is limited to activity that took place during the time you specified in the Date Range Selector. If you update the date range, the data will adjust.
The default time frame for the Date Range Selector is This Month (month-to-date activity). If you’d like to analyze data during a different time frame, click the date in the upper right corner of any page. How Do I Change the Date Range For My Reports and Charts? explains how to customize your date ranges.
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