There are tools available in the Agent Web Console (AWC) to manage chargebacks, including information on the Payments section of the Transaction Details page, adding chargebacks to VIP Lists, and creating rule conditions for chargebacks.
Report chargebacks in the AWC by navigating to the Transactions Details page and use the Update Chargeback feature in the Payment Gadget. For customers unable to use the automatic chargeback update through the Restful Endpoint API, we offer a bulk upload of 50 or more chargebacks with a Bulk Chargeback Upload form. Download the chargeback template, fill out the required fields, and then send the form to or by submitting a ticket.
Managing Chargebacks
You can provide us with chargeback data/history. The respective transactions are flagged as a chargeback and the information can be utilized for analysis of your transactions. Rules can flag current orders if their data relates to a previous chargeback, and historical data analysis can be used to determine if there is a pattern to the chargebacks.
Entering Chargeback Data
Chargeback data is typically entered via our Data Analytics Team. Chargeback data is submitted to us in an Excel or CSV file format by a customer. Either the Transaction ID or the internal order number can be used. It is helpful to have the chargeback code, (from the bank), but it is not required. Submit the chargeback data to or by submitting a ticket.
Another method of entering chargeback data is by using the RESTful API. The Refund Chargeback (RFCB) Endpoint is
When a URL is submitted, this endpoint returns documentation for the endpoint. When a POST is submitted, with the status code of C, the chargeback code is updated.
For more in depth information regarding the RESTful API refer to RESTful Endpoint API Specification and Error Codes.
Customer Chargeback Information
Chargeback information for a merchant account displays in the AWC on the Transaction Details page in the Payment Gadget. If a chargeback has been entered against a particular transaction, the yellow band displays along with the words Alert: Payment Chargeback.
You can also manually mark a payment as a chargeback.
- Click the Add refund or chargeback link at the bottom of the gadget.
- In the Edit box, select Chargeback, and then click Save Status.
- Once you have marked a payment as a chargeback, you can edit your selections by clicking the Update Chargeback link.
Adding Chargebacks to the VIP Review or Decline Lists
- To add the entered chargebacks to the VIP List automatically, click the Fraud Control tab, click VIP Lists, and then click Cards.
- Select the Add Chargebacks to VIP List checkbox.
- Select the appropriate radio button for the VIP List to which the chargeback is added.
Rule Conditions: Creating Chargeback Rules
There are several rule conditions that can be used to create a Negative History rule. There are three types of rule data, Merchant (the specific customer's data), Network (network of customers), and Universal (bank supplied information).
There is also a difference between Order negative history and Persona negative history. Order negative history, provides two years of historical data, whereas the Persona negative history only provides the current 14-day Persona entity.
When creating rules using Negative History conditions add Code 0. Some chargebacks that are provided by customers are entered with a zero value because either the Chargeback code is unknown or not provided.
Chargeback Column Headings
The RFCB field can be added to many of the order listings – Suspect Orders, Specials Alerts, Order Search, and Persona Order listings.
Order Search for Chargebacks
An Order Search can be performed to search for Chargebacks.
- In the AWC on the main menu, click Reports, and then click Order Search.
- On the Order Search page, open the Rfnd/Chgbck drop-down menu, and then select C-Chargeback.
Ad-hoc Reporting Options for Chargebacks
To create an ad-hoc report:
- In the AWC menu, click Reports, select Ad-hoc Reports, and then click New Report.
- On the New Report page, select the desired options, and then C-Chargeback in the Refund/Chargeback drop-down menu.
- Click Run Report.
Note: This type of report is created as a downloadable file. - The status is Submitted. To see the file that was generated, select Reload this Page on the browser toolbar. Notice that after the webpage reloads, the status is Ready and the download link will be highlighted.
- Download the report file. The file is created in a CSV format and can be viewed/edited by most spreadsheet programs. The data output is based upon the field selections above.
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