The smart response feature automatically generates a concise overview of the most relevant information in your dispute response. Highlighting certain pieces of compelling evidence can help the reader make an informed and accurate decision regarding the outcome of your case.
As you enter different pieces of information in the transaction and order information sections, the smart response feature will begin to populate. The smart response is dynamic and changes based on the information you provide. It may include information related to
3D Secure
Shipping information
Order refunds
Since the goal is to emphasize the most compelling pieces of information, the smart response feature will only include evidence that could help you win. For example, the technology won’t highlight an AVS or CVV mismatch.
Next, let’s talk about how to use the smart response feature.
The cover letter section includes tokens. For now, it’s important to note that the smart response feature has a token that can be used in your cover letter.
As you write your cover letter, think about the most appropriate place to give an overview of your compelling evidence. When you come to that point, insert the smart response token.
Click Next Step to preview your cover letter.
You’ll see the smart response included.
Smart response is an optional feature; you don’t have to use it. However, processors have specifically asked merchants to include a brief overview of the response package in the cover letter. Because it is such a valuable feature and impacts the probability of winning, DisputeFlow will issue a warning if it isn’t used.
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