Using Linux, Kount customers can transfer a large file or data set to Kount via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).
Step 1: Create a New Private/Public Key Pair
Perform the following to generate a public/private SSH key pair on Linux.
- Open a command-line shell.
- Type "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/kount_sftp -b 4096" and press Enter.
- When prompted, type the passphrase and press Enter, then type the same passphrase again and press Enter.
The public key will be generated, as well as the key fingerprint and the key’s random art. Email this public key, stored in ~/.ssh/kount_sftp.pub, to your Customer Success Manager. IMPORTANT: Do not email the private key (located in ~/.ssh/kount_sftp). The private key must be kept private to ensure the security of the connection.
After receiving the public key via email, your Customer Success Manager will provide you with a username on Kount's secure file server. You will use the username in the following step.
Step 2: Connect to the Secure Server and Upload Your Document
Perform the following to connect to the secure server and upload your document.
- Open a command line shell.
- Type "sftp -i ~/.ssh/kount_sftp youruser@sftp.kount.net" replacing "youruser" with the user name issued by Kount, and then press Enter.
- When prompted, type the passphrase you used when you originally generated the public/private key pair, and then press Enter.
- When the sftp prompt displays, navigate to the directory on your computer containing the document or data file you want to upload to Kount. Use the "get" and "put" commands to send and retrieve files using the secure connection.
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