Effective: 2025-01-30
Security and audit reports are now available for users with Admin or Owner entitlements. These reports help track sensitive actions performed throughout Kount 360. The reports include user login history, user account changes, and organization/user modifications.
You can use these reports to monitor sensitive operations, investigate potential security breaches, and provide evidence for audits.
To find the reports, go to Analytics then System Reports and then open the folder icon, then select Security Audit.
Effective: 2025-01-30
Kount Chargeback Management is now integrated with Payments Fraud in Kount 360. This integration allows both products to share data about orders and order reversals (chargebacks, refunds, and fraud reports). Reversal data is available for each Payments Fraud transaction and can be used in Policy Management. Payments Fraud transaction data is also available in Kount Chargeback Management to produce better outcomes.
The data is automatically passed between both products and populated in the Order Details under Reversals Information. You must have both products for this to work.
Integrating these two products provides a more detailed view of each transaction, which improves fraud detection, reduces manual effort for fraud analysts, and increases revenue by minimizing losses and preventing chargebacks.
Effective: 2025-01-30
Fraud Report has been added to the Order Details page under Reversals. You can manually assign a Fraud Report Type along with the already existing Chargeback and Refund statuses as needed.
To manually assign a Fraud Report to an order:
Sign in to Kount 360.
Select Event Analysis.
Select an order.
In Reversals, select Fraud Reports.
From the Fraud Report Type menu, select a fraud report type.
Effective: 2025-01-30
To support the Chargeback Management integration into Kount 360, we have added new conditions to the Payments Fraud category in Policy Management.
The conditions are:
Payment's Chargeback Type in Merchant
The number of a specific type of chargeback, such as a (Visa) Incorrect Currency, for a customer's card from the merchant's data. This condition uses chargeback codes and a numerical comparison. You can use chargeback codes for:
Kount Legacy
American Express
The number of chargebacks for orders associated with the email address.
Payment's Fraud Report Type in Merchant
The number of specific types of fraud files for a customer's card from the merchant's data in a two-week or two-year period. The values for this condition are:
TC40 (Visa)
SAFE (Mastercard)
Effective: 2025-01-30
The Case Queue has been updated to include several new configuration options presented in the side bar. Previously, the Case Queue only allowed for basic filtering, sorting, and column relocation.
The side bar is located on the right side of the table:
The side bar contains the following tools:
— This tool gives you the option to relocate and add/remove columns.
— This tool gives you the option to apply or clear filters. These options are presented in a list view to help you apply multiple filters in one organized place.
Preset and Custom View Options
— This tool gives you the option to create your own custom filtered views of the Case Queue and switch between preset views. You can create, edit, and delete custom views as needed, but preset views cannot be altered.
There are also three new columns you can add to the Case Queue:
Assignee — This column shows the users assigned to the event. You can sort alphabetically and filter by first name.
Case Age — This column shows the duration of elapsed time since generation of an event in days, hours, and minutes. You can sort by ascending or descending, with the default being newest to oldest, and you can filter by minimum or maximum hours.
Case Tags — This column shows the tags added to the event. You can filter by typing in the specific tags. You can include multiple tags when filtering if you separate them with a comma. Multi-tag filtering will display all events for each tag entered.
Effective: 2025-01-27
When an Account Creation or Login request triggers a “challenge” in Policy Management, the customer can enable a real-time verification of the email address. This ensures the person creating the account or logging in to the account is the verified user by sending one-time hyperlink to their email address.
These options are enabled in Policy Management at the Segment level. Multi-Factor Authentication is specific to Login events and Verification is specific to New Account Opening (Account Creation) requests.
To enable either authentication option, go to:
You can also create messaging templates to send when an authentication challenge is received. To create an email template, go to Creating an Email Messaging Template.
Effective: 2025-01-27
We added the Verification Status Update event for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Verification requests set up for segments in Policy Management. Selecting this event enables you to receive change notifications with a webhook. For more information about the MFA/verification and webhook offering, go to:
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