Omniscore Generally Available
On June 26th, Omniscore will be available for use by our merchants. For details on what Omniscore is and how much it will improve fraud detection, please see Omniscore Overview and Omniscore FAQ. Below is a summary of product updates related to this new feature:
AWC Changes
Every place in the AWC that Boost currently displays, will now display Omniscore. The only exception is that rules created previously using Boost will continue to display the “Boost” label. For example, if a client currently has a rule to decline if the Boost score is less than 10, the underlying logic will automatically be updated to decline if the Omniscore is less than 10. But the label will continue to display “Boost” even though the score being used is now Omniscore. Should clients want to remove the “Boost” label from rules created prior to Omniscore (because they may find it confusing that the label says “Boost” but the score is Omniscore), they need to edit that rule by selecting Omniscore while creating the condition and delete the rule with the “Boost” label."
Any reports that are run with a date range that includes a transaction prior to June 26, 2019, the report will show Boost data for the dates prior to June 26 even though the label in the report will be "Omniscore". Transactions on or after June 26, 2019 will report as Omniscore data as well as having the "Omniscore" label.
Native Email Age Fraud Indicator
This valuable feature is available and for more information, please see Kount Email Age Fraud Indicator.
Fixed issue with PTOK. Using Ampersand (&) in PTOK will result in an error and cannot be used in PTOK.
If you have any questions, please see our FAQ or contact your Client Success Manager or
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