All transactions are automatically re-evaluated by Kount every 30 minutes for the life of the Persona Score (14 days). The current score is updated to reflect any additional risk detected during re-evaluation.
If the transaction is approved because it does not trigger any rules, yet the score increases beyond the threshold set within the Queue Options section of the Agent Web Console (AWC), the order is placed in the Suspect Orders queue.
The new score is highlighted and the transaction now shows a Changed status, which is indicated in the STAT column as C. These transactions are still technically approved, but returned to the queue to be re-evaluated for fraud trends, initiate proactive refunds, or to prevent future orders from bad customers.
Clicking re-evaluate on the transaction details page results in a complete re-evaluation of the transaction and is deducted from the merchant's allotment of RIS calls. Upon re-evaluation, all of the details in the Last Risk Evaluation section are updated and the transaction is re-submitted through the rules engine.
Navigating the Special Alerts Queue
Kount continues evaluating orders after the first response has been completed. Every order which had an initial response of Approve or Review/Escalate is reevaluated every 30 minutes for the 14-day life of the Persona. If the risk associated with a Persona Score changes, the score is updated. This update is typically an increase in score, however reductions in score can also occur.
For orders where the original response was Review and then were manually Approved, if the score increases higher than the threshold set within the Queue Options section of your AWC, the order appears in the Special Alerts queue.
To see the new information that resulted in the updated score on the Order Details page, click Re-evaluate.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Persona Score and how is it used?
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