Accepted Payment Types and Corresponding Codes
This is the current list of accepted payment types and corresponding codes. Description Code Apple...
Set Up Custom Reason Codes
Setting up reason codes varies based on a customer's workflow. Reason Codes are always attached to an act...
Update Order Status
To update the status of a single order, select the order status from the bottom left corner dropdown on t...
Payment Currency Types
Kount has the ability to add arbitrary payment types on the fly to accommodate multinational merchants, s...
What is a Device Fingerprint
The Device Fingerprint is a calculated value derived from the various device layers associated with the p...
Workflow Tables Column Locator
The following is a list of all the possible column selections for different table types: Name De...
Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) Codes
In April 2018, Visa introduced changes to its chargeback dispute process, referred to as Visa Claims Reso...
View Order History
Navigate to the Transaction Details page, and then click History. Navigate to the Transaction Details pag...
Valid Chargeback Codes
Legacy and Standard Chargeback Codes 0 Unknown/Unspecified 1 Non-Receipt of Requested Item ...
Understanding Device Layers
The Device Layers represent numerous system identifiers which are basically constant on the device, since...
Undeliverable Address Notification
Kount receives information about billing and shipping addresses from Melissa Data. Sometimes, Melissa Dat...
How to Adjust the Transaction Age in the Agent Web Console
The Transaction Age is the length of time an order resides in the Suspect Order queue before aging out. T...
ISO List of Language Codes
In the Agent Web Console under Extended Variables, Kount reports the language setting for the device as a...
How to Mark a Transaction as a Chargeback
The manual chargeback reporting UI is designed for customers with the following characteristics: They ex...
Manage the Link Analysis Gadget
The Link Analysis gadget on the Transaction Details page in the Agent Web Console (AWC) allows users to s...
Manage Chargebacks
Chargebacks by nature are costly and time consuming. Use them to your advantage, by providing Kount with ...
How to Approve or Decline Based on IP Address and/or Regional Login
IP and Region Login Whitelist is available as an optional feature for enhanced security in the Agent Web ...
Omniscore Overview
Omniscore is a transaction safety rating that can be used in rule creation and during the manual review p...
ISO List of Country Codes
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has established internationally recognized codes...
How to Optimize the Action Bar for Your Environment
The action bar is found at the bottom of the transaction details page of every order and contains up to e...
How to Configure Columns in the Agent Web Console
Customize the data shown on tables in the Agent Web Console (AWC) by adding, deleting, or moving the visi...