Reduce Manual Reviews Through Datamart Analysis
Regular rule-set reviews and rule adjustments can reduce the review rate, decline rate, or charge-back ra...
Creating an Ad Hoc Report
From the Agent Web Console (AWC), search transaction criteria to create a downloadable ad hoc report. ...
How to Create and Manage Datamart Report
Datamart, our Business Intelligence reporting suite, gives customers the ability to create reports and ...
How to Generate a Period Report for a Specific Date Range
To generate a period report for a specific date range, do the following: In the Agent Web Console (AWC),...
Downloading an Ad Hoc Report
The Ad Hoc reporting feature gives you the ability to generate ad hoc reports, based on the search crite...
Generate a User Login Report
To determine who has logged into the Agent Web Console (AWC) within a specific date range, do the followi...