When Customers or other users of Kount report they can gather Device Data from devices on a public network but not when those devices are on an internal private network, the most likely explanation is that the private network is blocking requests to one or more Kount's domains (kaxsdc.com, kount.net or kaptcha.com).
We suggest that you ensure your network allows outgoing traffic to these domains if your policies normally block them. It is possible that a customer's clients may also block some or all of these domains.
Kount recommends that multiple risk assessment methods be used rather than relying on Device Collection as the only gating mechanism. One solution when a Device ID is not detected or does not match the device's previous login is to force two-factor authentication. Customers could create a rule that would set to review any transaction where the Device ID is missing if the Customer's clients should always have a Device ID.
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