FAQ: Can I Send Test Orders Through the Production Environment?
Kount allows one or two test orders to be sent to the live Production environment from each of your platf...
FAQ: What is the Difference between API and ENS
Event Notification Service (ENS) provides merchants the ability to receive automated updates on orders fr...
FAQ: What is an API Key?
Each customer is assigned a 32-character hash key that acts as a password for their API calls. This key ...
FAQ: Can You Collect Device Data from Devices Within Our Private Network?
When Customers or other users of Kount report they can gather Device Data from devices on a public networ...
FAQ: How Do I Submit IBAN Orders?
To submit an order that uses IBAN, an International Bank Account Number, as the payment method you will w...
How to Send PTOK Credit Card Data
The best option is to pass the unique credit card number to Kount so these orders can be linked to other ...
What Are Kount's RIS Requirements
The RIS requirements are as follows: Port 443 must be available to post and receive data from Kount. An ...
What Are Kount's IP Ranges?
Kount has a class C IP range: If your environment has any firewall restr...