FAQ: How Do I Pass Test Transactions to You
To help customers test that their development work has been done properly, a number of test cards are ava...
FAQ: Which Takes Precedence in VIP Lists, Email or Domain?
A specific email address will take precedence over a domain on the VIP list. This allows you to add an en...
FAQ: What Kind of Card Information can Kount Obtain
If the BIN or BIN+4 is passed, the following can be determined: Issuing bank Type of card BIN country wh...
FAQ: Why Does Device Fingerprint Change with the Same Device Across Browsers?
We treat each web browser on a single machine as a different device. Over the years, web browsers have in...
FAQ: Why are Duplicate Orders in Kount Not Represented in my OMS?
Every RIS Post sent to Kount becomes a separate transaction, including those that are sent pre-authorizat...
FAQ: Why is Data Collector Information Missing from the Transaction?
Device data collector data may not be received on an order due to either a timeout-related issue or becau...
FAQ: What Does the Order Status "Aged Out" Mean?
The Aged-Out status refers to an order that was either held for review, or had a status of Changed, and d...
FAQ: Why is the Score Always the Same when there is No Device Data?
The Device Data Collector collects a lot of valuable information from the device when the order is placed...
FAQ: What do the numbers in the Extended Variable, Time Zone, mean?
The numbers displayed in the Timezone field in the Extended Variables section of the Transaction Details ...
Best Practices: Responding to End Users Regarding Reviews and Declines
While the methodology for interacting with end customers is ultimately an individual business decision ma...